Black Belt Society
"A Tradition of Excellence in Martial Arts Since 1969"
This tradition remains embedded throughout all our schools in the communities in which they are located.
Founded 1969, Castle AFB, Merced, California.
Established in 1971 at Mather AFB, Rancho Cordova (Sacramento County) California.

Master Frank Waller Jr.
1) Purpose: To help as many children and adult students to realize their highest potential and to experience lives of productivity, creativity and self-fulfillment through Martial Arts teaching of the Korean Classical Martial Art (Tang Soo Do). An art which is influenced by the T'ang Dynasty Method of Chinese Martial Art and Hapkido which is a mixture of Korean Tae Kyun and Japanese daito Ryu or dai Ju-Jutsu. Through encouraging young people to seek as much education as possible, we can approach/begin the twenty-first century with confidence that our youth will be able to adapt to the rapid change in technology and impact of globalization. The opportunities for educated individuals are limitless.
2) Purpose: To assist and encourage young people to combine education with academic excellence, hard work and faith through our integrated tutorial and mentor Martial Arts Program with the main emphasis put upon the importance of education and scholastic achievement with the continuation of the educational process by attendance of a college, technical or vocational school in preparation for today's perilous job market.
3) Objectives: Strong leadership, excellent teaching, parent involvement, high expectations, supportive social climate that can lead to a strong endorsed partnership with the support and guidance of the community.
Objectives: To successfully instill a positiveness that promotes confidence and awareness needed to avoid unpleasant situations and the ability to handle the unavoidable.
Objectives: For each student to transcend oneself thereby becoming more in touch with themselves as a responsible, dependable and a more capable individual within our communities.
Benefits of training/learning within schools of California College of the Martial Arts are, Discipline - Respect - Confidence (that cannot be given, one must obtain for oneself earned), mental focus, stress release, physical fitness, self-awareness, good citizenship, improved outlook on life and dependable self-defense.
The two main goals of the California College of the Martial Arts is: Discipline and Education.
DISCIPLINE evolves from:
* ORDER - understanding the rules with the knowledge of consequences & what to expect.
* RESPECT - for self and others.
* TRUST - built from honesty and consistency.
* RESPONSIBILITY - a child's contribution to family living.
Students develop self-discipline which leads to a feeling of self-respect and respect for self leads to respect for others.
Education Is the key to empowerment, a better life; a job; managing diversity through peace and harmony; self fulfillment, leadership-, good health and cultural pride that promotes human understanding. Education can greatly influence our future, professionally and personally.
Frank Waller Jr.
Master Instructor
Sacramento, CA
The Objectives of Tang Soo Do